Advertising and Marketing Opportunities for Your Business with The Final Arrangements Internet Network The FAN Network is a vast array of facts, information, instruction, advise, products and services about and for the Death Care Market. If you or your company provide to consumers who need or want Funeral, Cemetery or Cremation products and services, you should consider joining the FAN Network of Companies already participating.How Big is the FAN Internet Network? 13,219,683 Visitor Hits per Year * February
2011 Combined Visitor Hits: * Statistics compiled from Webalizer Reports April 1, 2010 to March 3, 2011 Why Will Marketing with the FAN Network be Good for Me and My Company? Because FAN brings credibility and stature to those Companies who recognize the importance consumers have come to place in the reliability and honesty of information they find in the FAN Network. Since 2001 when the first version of FAN was released to the Internet, but before it was made available to the Search Engines, FAN has concentrated on providing solid information rather than quick visitor count gimmicks to build its reputation. This emphasis on credibility and reliability translate to Companies that becomes a part of the FAN Network, adding prestige and professionalism to their efforts when consumers witness these companies as part of the FAN Portals. In addition to this image as a byproduct of participation in the FAN Network there is the fact products and services get bought through FAN everyday. Leads to new customers are found daily. Business is written by these Companies directly from the fact of their participation in the FAN Network.